A warm welcome to Fern Hill’s Parent Staff Association (PSA) web pages where you can find out more about the PSA and the fundraising events that we run throughout the year. Click on ‘Introduction to the PSA’ to learn more about who we are and what we do.
You don’t need to make a big commitment to be a part of the PSA and there are lots of different ways to get involved, even if you only have a little time to spare.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Many parents on the PSA Committee work full or part time; some get involved throughout the year, others just for a single event. You don’t need any specific skills and it’s a great opportunity to learn new ones. If the PSA isn’t for you right now, you can still make a much-valued contribution by coming along to the events and supporting the fundraising.
If you’re thinking of getting involved, why not come along to the PSA New Parents event at the start of the school year or join one of the PSA committee meetings that run every half term? Everyone is very welcome at the committee meetings whether actively involved in the PSA or not.
You can also talk to your Class Rep who will keep you up to date on PSA events and activities throughout the year. Look out too for the termly PSA newsletters and keep an eye on the PSA noticeboard outside school for the latest information.
You can get in touch with the PSA by emailing us at fernhillpsa@gmail.com or just pop a note in the PSA post box in school reception.