At Fern Hill Primary we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school.
We aim to support all pupils to reach their full potential no matter what their needs or circumstances may be.
You can find further information about how we support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), pupils who are learning English as an additional language (EAL) and pupils who are in receipt of pupil premium funding (PPG) below.
THE SEND team aims to offer outstanding support to children, staff and parents. The SEND information report below details how we cater for pupils with SEND, what provision can be put in place and how the performance of these pupils is measured.
If you have any concerns about your child’s special needs please do not hesitate to contact the Inclusion Manager, Lorraine Figueiredo or the Deputy SENDCo, Alex Sinclair via or on 0208 247 0300
Further information on the support available to SEND pupils can be found on the Achieving for Children Local Offer website.