Fern Hill Primary School converted to an academy and joined Kingston Educational Trust on 1 January 2022.
Full details of the Trust, including its governance structure can be found on the Trust website here.
Whilst the board of Kingston Educational Trust (KET) retains responsibility for statutory compliance and the performance of schools within the Trust, it can delegate functions to committees and has established a Local Academy Committee for each school within the Trust (as well as a finance and audit committee).
Members of the committees, who are not KET trustees, are known as trust associates.
The level of delegations to each committee is recorded in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation, linked below.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide local accountability, support and oversight and a link between the Trust and parents and the wider community, as described in the Terms of Reference linked below. Key areas of focus are: Standards, Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding and Stakeholders.
The Committee meets once every half-term.
Details of the trustees and trust associates that sit on the Fern Hill Local Academy Committee, including their category, date of appointment and appointing body are below and biographies and declarations of interests are available from the menu to the right.
Members are appointed for a four year term, after which time they may seek re-appointment. Recruitment, appointment and re-appointment is on the basis of the Trust's Recruitment Principles, which are linked below.
Members should always act in the best interests of the school and its pupils and accept collective responsibility for all decisions taken, in accordance with the KET Code of Conduct, which can be viewed from the menu to the right.
The Chair of the Committee is appointed annually. The current Chair is James Grant and the Vice Chair is Mark Clutterbuck. The Chair may be contacted via Ms Francesca Lee, the governance professional to the Committee, by email: flee@kingstoneducationaltrust.org or via the school office.
Questions or concerns regarding the operational running of the school should be addressed to a member of Fern Hill staff or its Senior Leadership Team (Adam Scott, Rachael Crook, Sam Stephenson and Anna Davies).