Every year group has their own Home Learning Google Classroom.
Accessing Your Home Learning Google Classroom - user guide on accessing the Home Learning Google Classroom from home.
Parents’ Guide to Google Classroom - more information on the Google Classroom platform
Your child should already know their Google Account login details: an email address in the format of initialsurname@fernhillprimary.org and a password. If they do not, please check with your class teacher.
For any queries regarding your child's school Google account or access to Google Classroom, please email the school office.
Year group appropriate home learning resources are available under the Classwork tab of the Classroom including curriculum information, Home Learning Grids, English and maths support materials plus links to RM Easimaths and Times Tables Rock Stars. Diamond Work and Value Awards are also celebrated in the Classroom. On the Stream tab, teachers post an update every Friday afternoon with information about what the class has been learning, curriculum topics coming up and any relevant reminders and notices.