Bikeability Training


We are offering Bikeability Levels 1 & 2 training for children in Year 6 during the summer term on the school site. Please look out forScreenshot 2024 11 06 160501 further information that will be sent home via ParentPay once courses are confirmed.

Courses are run by the Kingston & Sutton borough Sustainable Transport Team and the children are taught by a nationally accredited instructor who is DBS checked and first aid trained. There is no charge for the course. Once your child has completed Levels 1 & 2, they will be entitled to access more advanced Bikeability training to help them make independent journeys to, e.g. secondary school.

Currently, the course is adapted to follow updated guidance from The Bikeability Trust that is in line with government advice regarding COVID-19 control measures. Please note that the course is for children who can already cycle and have reasonable control skills - it is not for complete beginners. 

For further information, please see the Bikeability Information for Parents and Conditions document attached below that relates to the courses we have run in the past. 

Bikeability Information for Parents and Conditions