At Fern Hill, the children have access to a wide range of materials and are taught a wide variety of artistic skills.
They are encouraged to paint and draw both imaginatively and from observation, make models, take photographs and print materials. While Art is a stand alone curriculum subject, it is taught with a cross curricular approach and integrated into topic work across a number of different subjects including science, English and history. Focus is given to studying the work of artists and art from different cultures.
We are very proud recipients of the prestigious Artsmark Silver Award. Artsmark is Arts Council England's award for schools and education settings that champion cultural education and celebrates settings that embrace art across the curriculum, bringing them to life for children and young people.
Every year, Fern Hill celebrates it's love of Art with Arts Week. The usual timetable is set aside for the entire week to allow each year group to explore in depth different artists and artistic styles, creating some fabulous artwork and learning lots of new creative skills along the way. The artwork is displayed around the school and families are invited into school for a special exhibition. Each year follows a different theme - our last Arts Week focused on ‘Stories and Illustrators’ which saw the children producing work inspired by artists such as Roy Lichtenstein and illustrators including Lane Smith, experimenting with different styles and media including clay, felt and photography.
Curriculum overview