Newsletter 6 - 28th February 2025

Key Dates

Monday 3rd March
National Offer Day (Year 6)

Tuesday 4th March
Author visit from Andy Jones

Thursday 6th March
World Book Day

Friday 7th March
PSA Bounce For Books

Thursday 13th March
Foxglove class parent assembly at 9:00 am

Friday 14th March
Inclusion Coffee Morning at 9:00 am

PSA Year 4 cake sale after school

Monday 17th March
SATs & PGL Briefing for parents at 8:50 am

Wednesday 19th March 
Reception visit to Brooklands

Thursday 20th March
Willow class parent assembly at 9:00 am

Friday 21st March
Red Nose Day - information to follow

PSA Mother's Day Breakfast at 7:45 am

Tuesday 25th March
Year 2 visit to the British Wildlife Centre

Thursday 27th March
Sycamore class parent assembly at 9:00 am

PSA Committee meeting at 7:00 pm

Friday 28th March
Home Learning Showcase for Years 1-6

PSA Year 3 cake sale after school


Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information. 

Click here for term dates for the current and 2025/2026 school years, including INSET days.


School lunches
Don't forget to place your child's lunch order through ParentPay by 8:00 am each day. We strongly recommend that you order in advance - changes to your order can be made at anytime before 8:00 am on the day. 

Year Group Weekly News
This week's update from your class teachers is available on the Google Classroom.

Home Learning
This half-term's Home Learning activities are posted on the Google Classroom. Work should be completed in time for the class Home Learning Showcases in school on Friday 28th March. 

Parents' Evening

Parents' Evening will be held on Wednesday 2nd April from 4:00 - 7:00 pm and Thursday 3rd April from 2:00 - 6:00 pm. Our Parents' Evening System will open on Monday 10th March for you to book an appointment with your class teacher. 

SEN Reviews will be scheduled prior to this and will take place either during Parents’ Evening, or the week before. If your child has a SEND review, you do NOT need to book a Parents’ Evening appointment as well. You will be informed of the date and time of the review before the Parents’ Evening System opens. 

Screenshot 2024 12 11 111406All clubs started back this week, including Gardening and Athletics. Clubs will run for the next four weeks up to and including Friday 28th March. There will be no clubs running during the last week of term.   

C043C6ECB52C6A3F77381888FA98E9EDNew Learning Platform

We are delighted to announce the official launch of the MyMaths learning platform for children in Years 1-6.

MyMaths is a fun, interactive programme, which aligns to the maths lessons being taught in school. There are activities, video lessons, and games for the children to complete to consolidate their learning and enhance their progress.

Some of you will have already heard of MyMaths - and used it. Thank you so much to all our Year 5 families who took part in the trial at the end of the autumn term.

If they haven't already done so, your child will be bringing home a letter with their unique log-in details and instructions on how to access the platform. Please encourage your child to log in and have a go at the tasks that have been assigned by their class teacher.

Further information on our roll out of MyMaths can be found here.

Inclusion Coffee MorningInclusion

Our next Coffee Morning is on Friday 14th March and we would love to see you there! It starts at 9:00 am and runs for an hour. We will be talking about emotional regulation and how you can support your child through routine and consistency. If you plan to join us, please let us know by completing the registration form here.

Royal Academy of Arts Young Artists' Summer Show

Now in its seventh year, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for students aged 4–19 studying in the UK.

Submitting artwork is completely free and done online. Just follow this link and select Fern Hill Primary as your school. For children 12 or under, entry must be completed by a parent or guardian. Registration and submission is open until 5th March 2025.

Each student can submit one artwork and there is no theme. When you enter, you’ll be asked for an image of your child’s artwork plus some information about the piece such as title, size, and a little text about it. It will be seen by a panel of judges and arts professionals and the selected pieces will be displayed online and on-site at the Royal Academy of Arts when the exhibition opens in July.

Please let us know if you submit artwork on behalf of your child, so we can have our own exhibition at school too!  


ImageArbor Parent Portal & App

Just before the half-term break, we enabled the Parent Portal and Parent App for Arbor to provide you with access to the information we hold about your children on our MIS. You will have received an email from Arbor to confirm that your account has been set up with instructions on how to log in. Thank you to all the families who have logged in so far.

This linked guide introduces the Arbor Parent Portal and details how to log in, navigate the homepage dashboard and switch between multiple children’s profiles. You may also find this leaflet useful when first logging in.

Any updates you make to the information we hold about your child will not show immediately in the Portal. They must be validated and accepted by the school first so please bear with us while we work through the requests.

World ImageBook Day 

Next week on Thursday 6th March, we'll celebrate World Book Day with lots of fun book related activities including two special competitions. On the day, children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. In the spirit of 'reading your way' and snuggling down with a good book, children are also welcome to wear their pyjamas (or anything that they feel comfortable in) for the day too! To end the week, the children will be bouncing for books - thank you to the PSA for organising this fantastic annual event and to all the parents and carers who are volunteering to count the bounces.


Spark! School Book Award Poetry Competition

The Spark! Book Awards shortlists have now been announced and we have copies of the shortlisted books in each classroom. Children are invited to use the title or cover of one of the shortlisted books as inspiration to write a poem. Entries should be handed in to Ms Rouillard in the library or Miss Bennett in Larch class by Thursday 6th March. Don't forget to put your name on it! We'll enter best poems into the main Spark! Competition. You can see the Spark! shortlist of books here.


ImageBook Character Competition

Children are invited to have a go at decorating a cardboard toilet or kitchen roll - or any cardboard tube - to look like a favourite book character. Entries can be brought into school from Monday 3rd March and will be on display in the library. We'll choose the winners on World Book Day. You can find lots of inspiration on the internet and platforms such as Pinterest.

Ofsted Consultation

As you may be aware, Ofsted is revising its approach to inspections from Autumn 2025. They are asking parents, carers, professionals and learners what they think about their proposals to improve education inspections and their new report cards for providers. Please see this linked letter from Sophie Cavanagh, Executive Director of the Kingston Educational Trust. You can provide your feedback dorectly to Ofsted here

Book of the Week

Bob vs Selfie Zombies‘Bob vs. the Selfie Zombies’ by Andy Jones

11-year-old Bob is an accidental time traveller, though his best friend Malcolm doesn’t believe him. But while they are having a band practice for the school talent show, Bob feels a familiar dragging sensation and jumps forward twenty years into the future where he discovers that the world has been overrun by zombies, but not the traditional brain-eating zombies - these are smart-phone addicted selfie zombies! Bob must find a way to prevent the invention of the smile-activated selfie hat and save the future.

‘Bob vs. the Selfie Zombies’ is a hilarious, madcap, time-travelling adventure - a thoroughly enjoyable read.

Andy Jones, the author of 'Bob vs. the Selfie Zombies, will be visiting Fern Hill on Tuesday 4 March to speak to KS2 as part of our World Book Week celebrations.


 Team Points Update

The overall House winner this week is HAMPTON









Attendance Update

Weekly Attendance

Congratulations to Year 1, who had the best attendance for this week.

Well done to Elm class with 100% attendance this week - and to Bracken, Larch, Beech, Lime, Yew, Poppy, Heather and Bluebell classes for all achieving our school target of 97%.

Year Attendance % Star Year ★
Reception 95.3%  
Year 1 94.9%  
Year 2 96.8%  
Year 3 96.8%  
Year 4 97.0%
Year 5 94.7%  
Year 6 95.2%  

PSA News & Events

There is no PSA newsletter this week, but please see this reminder of our upcoming events

The PSA Committee is also finalising plans for our Quintessentially Kingston Summer Fair on Saturday 14th June, which is set to be a wonderful celebration of everything we are so lucky to have in our local area. We are also starting to plan our events for the next school year. To help us with this, we would really appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to share your ideas and answer a few short questions via this feedback form. Thank you!


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