Key DatesThursday 13th March Foxglove class parent assembly at 9:00 am Friday 14th March PSA Book Sale after school PSA Year 4 cake sale after school Monday 17th March Wednesday 19th March Thursday 20th March Friday 21st March PSA Mother's Day Breakfast at 7:45 am Tuesday 25th March Thursday 27th March Eco-Refill Shop at 3:00 pm PSA Committee meeting at 7:00 pm Friday 28th March PSA Year 3 cake sale after school Saturday 29th March PSA Easter Egg Hunt (Nursery - Year 2) at 1:30 pm Tuesday 1st April Year 5 visit to Cornerstone Church Wednesday 2nd April Thursday 3rd April Parents' Evening from 2:00 pm Friday 4th April
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
Click here for term dates for the current and 2025/2026 school years, including INSET days.
School lunches
Don't forget to place your child's lunch order through ParentPay by 8:00 am each day. We strongly recommend that you order in advance - changes to your order can be made at anytime before 8:00 am on the day.
Year Group Weekly News
Don't forget to check your child's Google Classroom for this week's update from your class teachers.
Home Learning
This half-term's Home Learning activities are posted on the Google Classroom. Work should be completed in time for the class Home Learning Showcases in school on Friday 28th March.
Safety & ParkingPlease do not ride scooters or bikes anywhere on the school site for safety reasons. This includes the car park and pedestrian area running between Fern Hill and The Kingston Academy. Adults and children should dismount before entering the site at the Richmond Road entrance. Please may we also remind you that there is no parking on site. Our car park is shared with The Kingston Academy and is for staff use only. Parking restrictions apply on surrounding roads from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. |
The Parents' Evening System will open on Monday 10th March at 12:00 pm (midday) for you to book an appointment with your class teacher. The booking window will close at 6:00 pm on Monday 17th March. For further details - and a link to the booking system - please refer to the information here. If your child has a SEN Review, the Inclusion team will have informed you of the date and time - you do not need to book a separate Parents' Evening appointment. |
We started our World Book Day celebrations on Tuesday with a visit from Andy Jones, author of ‘Bob vs. the Selfie Zombies’, which was shortlisted for last year’s Spark! Book Award. Year 3 & 4 received some creative writing tips from Andy’s guide, 'Unleash Your Creative Monster', then the whole of KS2 heard all about time travelling & zombies. Thanks for an inspiring visit Andy!
Here’s what our Year 4 pupils had to say about the event:
'Your assembly was absolutely fantastic! It encouraged me to write more stories and read more of your brilliant books!'
'Your books have brilliant pictures! They enticed me to read more! Your amazing tips encouraged me to write a well-structured story.'
'Your assembly and books really inspired me to read more than just stay on my screen. Your books are also very funny, humorous and encouraging.'
Secondary School Offers
Congratulations to our Year 6 children who received their offers of a secondary school place this week. Please don't forget that the deadline to accept or decline your offer is Monday 17th March. You must do this via the eAdmissions website. If you are taking up a place at an independent school, please let the school office know.
The Parent Portal and Parent App for Arbor provide you with access to the information we hold about your children on our MIS. You will have received an email from Arbor to confirm that your account has been set up with instructions on how to log in. If you would like this email to be resent, please contact the school office.Thank you to all the families who have logged in so far.
This linked guide introduces the Arbor Parent Portal and details how to log in, navigate the homepage dashboard and switch between multiple children’s profiles. You may also find this leaflet useful when first logging in.
Any updates you make to the information we hold about your child will not show immediately in the Portal. They must be validated and accepted by the school first so please bear with us while we work through the requests.
Tree Tops
If you plan to use Childcare Vouchers or Tax-free Childcare (TFC) payments to pay for Tree Tops sessions next term, please ensure you arrange for their transfer by Monday 17th March. The school is closed over the Easter break and any vouchers or payments received after this date may not be processed until school reopens.
Shortlisted for the 2025 Spark! School Book Awards (Early Reader Category) |
The overall House winner this week is KINGSTON
COOMBE 268 |
Weekly Attendance Congratulations to Year 2, who had the best attendance for this week. Well done to Bracken and Heather classes with 100% attendance - and to Willow, Elder, Ash, Sycamore, Lime, Rowan, Elm, Clover, Foxglove, Poppy and Sunflower for all achieving our school target of 97%. |
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 97.1% | ||
Year 1 | 96.3% | ||
Year 2 | 99.6% | ★ | |
Year 3 | 97.6% | ||
Year 4 | 95.8% | ||
Year 5 | 98.6% | ||
Year 6 | 96.6% | ||
Click here for Fern Hill PSA's weekly newsletter.